drunkandpissed.comWell it just had to be NY didn't it? When a politician finally got busted for buying sex....It just had to be our state. We see Spitzer above in an interview on Saturday explaining at a press conference why he would have to pay four thousand dollars for sex.
I guess it just leaves me with one question. I mean I know he campaigned against prostitution and all. But is this really a reason to be so pissed. Isn't this all just Bill Clinton all over again. Look he's been married for like 30 years, he's in a high stress job,
and you know he hasn't been getting it from home but maybe three times a year. I mean can you honestly blame him. I know that he spoke against prostitution, of course he did. Just ask EX Gov Jessy Ventura how well speaking for it goes. But shouldn't we be more pissed that he wanted to give illegal immigrants drivers licenses? If you're sitting at home feeling hurt because a politician lied to you then you haven't been watching tv at all in the last 50 years have you?
The Reverend
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