Thursday, April 3, 2008

Regarding Masturbation

In the 70's a new scourge emerged on the market to corrupt your cerebral purity. The scourge was named "deep throat". Now this was now the first of it's genre. Pornography has been around for a long time. The thing that was so impure about Deep Throat was that it was the first almost strictly oral sex flick. But, and worse yet was that the men were going down on the women too. How dare they.

So the flick becomes bigger than they thought it would. Even payed a trip to congress for a spell. Where the strongest of the god fearing men decided that it would lead to the destruction of the American family. They believed publicly up to this point that there was one and only one way a woman could enjoy the pleasure of the wicked. That is penetration as hard and as fast as you could pump the rod in.

Now this new business of female orgasm was evil and unnatural. Why if women didn't need the cock anymore, why the ramifications could be catastrophic. So congress did it's best to make it illegal. To the delight of very insecure men, and dismay of very unsatisfied women nation wide. Of course the idea was already spreading. Women from main to California began exploring while in the shower when their husbands were at work. What they found was a new way of thinking, and the beginning of the real sexual revolution. It wasn't in the 60's my friends. A buncha dirty hippies banging missionary in the back of a volts wagon beetle.

No the real revolution was in the mid 70's. When female masturbation became unstoppable. In the 80's Madonna wrote a book about her vag. It was banned over aver again. IN THE FUCKIN 80's. When coke was OK? But this book was the first public accessible media that encouraged women to look at their womanly person in a mirror. Women were actually dieing from old age living to be in their 90's without having ever seen their own hoonany up until now. But to the source.....deep throat. Without this one film the true revolution would never have taken place. And women just may've still been stuck in harpooned seal sex.
So we at the Beer Drinkers Society officially honor The makers of deep throat men of the century!

The Reverend Hippy Tim
beerdrinkerssociety. com

Monday, March 31, 2008

Blue moon you saw me staggering home

Now I'm normally one hundred percent against prissy prissy foo foo fruity beer. Fruit and ale are like sex with Oprah, you better be damn drunk before you try it. But I gotta say I can't get away from the Blue Moon. This shit made me wanna hop on the bar stool and start singing showtunes it was so good. The hang over is worth it, and it will be severe. Now the white wheat belgian bit is starting to spring up everywhere. Sam Adams spring ale rings a bell. But it's a welcome edition to the growing beer populus. If you're one of those people that drink nothing but Budweiser, you owe it to yourself to try this shit out.

The Reverend
Beer Drinkers Society

Eliot Spitzer

Well it just had to be NY didn't it? When a politician finally got busted for buying sex....It just had to be our state. We see Spitzer above in an interview on Saturday explaining at a press conference why he would have to pay four thousand dollars for sex.
I guess it just leaves me with one question. I mean I know he campaigned against prostitution and all. But is this really a reason to be so pissed. Isn't this all just Bill Clinton all over again. Look he's been married for like 30 years, he's in a high stress job,
and you know he hasn't been getting it from home but maybe three times a year. I mean can you honestly blame him. I know that he spoke against prostitution, of course he did. Just ask EX Gov Jessy Ventura how well speaking for it goes. But shouldn't we be more pissed that he wanted to give illegal immigrants drivers licenses? If you're sitting at home feeling hurt because a politician lied to you then you haven't been watching tv at all in the last 50 years have you?

The Reverend
Drunk and Pissed
Beer Drinkers society

David Hasselhoff Drunk off his ass

Visit for all your drunk story needs

Well there's a surprise. Germany's pride had too much to drink. So the guys a recovering alcoholic and he's going though a messy high profile divorce. Now you see the daughter taping his drunken stupor. She's telling him what he's doing to his family........was he doing anything that the divorce isn't?
Or could she be nervous knowing that her dad was going to eventually be finding out that she's taping him drunk with full intention of putting it online? Trying to ruin his career because maybe daddy didn't buy a big enough car for her last time.
This is why we give David Hasselhoff's daughter our covenant "biggest bitch in the world award" for this week.

The Reverend
Drunk and pissed
Beer Drinkers Society